Aquamarine is March's Birthstone All Entries

The March birthstone, Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family. The most valuable of the beryl family is Bixbite (red), Emerald (green), Morganite (pink to lavender) Aquamarine (pale blue/green), heliodor (yellow-green to brown) , Golden (golden yellow to light orange) and Goshenite (white/colorless).
Aquamarine comes in a pale blue to a darker green-blue. It's MOHS hardness is 7.5 to 8.0 and is one of the hardest gemstones. Aquamarine is usually extremely clear and internally flawless. Price is based on color with the lighter colors the least expensive. The darker colors can be very expensive indeed.
The Aquamarine stone is from the Latin for water (aqua) and marina (the sea) and is reminiscent of the color of the Mediterranean Sea. From ancient times Aquamarine has been thought to give the power of foresight and courage. It is also said to make one youthful and intelligent and help with neutralizing poisons. It was a favorite of the Sumerians and Egyptians so it's at least 5000 years old, very likely older.
The Aquamarine stone makes absolutely gorgeous jewelry. Usually the stone is faceted, but if cut into a cabochon, it can show asterism or a cat's eye effect. It's highly refractive and just glows with the most beautiful shades of blue/blue green. It's made into all types of jewelry from rings to necklaces to cuff links.
If Aquamarine is your birthstone, you're very lucky! It's just beautiful.